Note to self: don’t be in charge of snacks when you feel like shit. Also, don’t ever drink that wine again.
I’m Adi - an accidental yogi, trail runner, and lover of words.
Note to self: don’t be in charge of snacks when you feel like shit. Also, don’t ever drink that wine again.
Woke up wondering about the brain in my phone. Whose is it, and if it was from 1992, why has it been with me since February 2019? I need coffee.
Zoom. YTT. Earned 40 hours of CEUs and a certificate in a modality I have no interest teaching. I’m winning Sunday morning.
I shared a very personal post with Contagion in a moment of bravery. I blame Lisa for that. Or Whole Foods. Or the mustard.
Drink is empty, phone is dead, and I think I broke the internet - or at the very least, Zoom. Night.
Just spent the last three hours writing and sifting through old photos. On the run last weekend, I noted this idea that the best measurement of time is in memories. I believe that to be true. Time to go make more in the Wichitas.
Taught my third IG live class to just my phone. 54 students connected via cyberspace. I’m in love.
Beat my alarm, if you can believe that (obvious sarcasm), so I can bake things for my friend’s pregnant employee whose doc advised her to stay home.
Next four miles out of my house and along the lake. Windy AS FUCK, and I already miss the dirt, but the sky is bright blue and the sun is doing its thing.
Do a couple of laps around the neighborhood in the name of training for tomorrow’s 4x48. Or just out of boredom. Either way.
Also, they had lots of close ups of my alarmingly high and fuzzy ponytail, my knee, and my nostrils.
13 partial pull-ups. 6 assisted. If my legs are fucked, I might as well let the arms join the fuckery. Plus I have goals now.
Met Elena at Bluff for a mudfest. Three and a half miles in, we stumbled on a morel and abandoned the not-quite-run for foraging. Actually, we abandoned Bluff for the Morel Madness spot I found at Arcadia last year.
Also, I was taunting the neighborhood cat who wandered in. She laughed at me. Or she didn’t, because she’s a cat, but I’m sure she would if she could.
I just agree to teach two more online classes at YAT. I was once on the Channel 4 OKC Marathon commercial. I laughed so much that a 15 minute shoot took almost an hour and a half. I was not asked back. Why in the name of all things holy would I say yes?
Perhaps in the woods, on a trail, putting one foot in front of the other? I need either a run or a new playlist. Billy Joel stays, though.
I misfire a text inviting a studio owner to take one of her own online classes with me. Perhaps another cup of coffee is in order, but I think I’ll try to Mr Clean Magic Eraser the coffee stain off of my bare mattress while waiting for the class to start instead. Look at me making wise decisions!