
Hi there!

I’m Adi - an accidental yogi, trail runner, and lover of words.

quarantined-ish day 5

quarantined-ish day 5

Quarantined-ish Day Five
Sunday, March 22, 2020

I’ve finally left my house and baked all the things at Elemental. It had been so long since getting out that even my Outback was getting antsy. He missed dodging potholes and drivers who text/instagram/facebook/tweet/snapchat (is that still a thing?). And I know most cars are referred to as “she,” but this one is too ungirly to be a girl. Whatever that means.

I stand under a canopy sipping to go coffee with Contagion while we decide if it’s too drizzly to adventure through downtown. It isn’t. We do. He plays tour guide through the new-ish Scissortail Park and we share shitty sarcastic comments for an hour and a half. Oklahoma City looks sad and desolate, and it seems like we’re walking through a movie set after everyone’s gone. Also, canopy isn’t the correct word, but I can’t think of it. I’m pretty sure this quarantine is atrophying my brain.

I run into the grocery for some produce and bump into one of my students. We have a conversation with the required six feet between us. After the shouting match is over, I get in my car and realize how much I already miss teaching. It’s funny... teaching essentially saved me through an uncoupling (not my word, but I like it), a shitty job, the loss of my sister, and the death of my mother and aunt, and a shitstorm of other little, big things). Now I’m learning that I don’t need it. I just love it. There is a lot of good that will come of this global disaster.

Suz and I continue meme wars. Christie is winning.

I practice handstand presses off of my bed for longer than any intelligent person would. My right psoas is already telling me to fuck off, and it’s not even tomorrow yet.

More Untamed (thank you Glennon), interspersed with sets of partial pull-ups. I basically stay within two and a half square feet of my house for the next three hours.

Tina Turner dance party. Nothing more needs to be said about this.

From Michael: Hey I made an antiviral tea. Would you like me to make you some?
Me: That sounds interesting (my polite preemptive no). What’s in it?
Michael: honey, ginger, lemon, turmeric, 7 cloves of garlic, and elderberry tea. I'm happy to bring you some.
Me: I’ll take my chances with COVID, thanks.

Suz asks me to give text updates on Governor Stitt’s live address to the state while she’s walking her dog. Update: He’s still a tool. “Agreed. What else?” He is incapable of thinking for himself and doing anything more than regurgitating others’ words.

Book. Beer. Bubble Bath. Bliss. Alliteration at its finest. Or its most-overdone. Either way.

Elena calls and makes me both envious and happy for her that she got stuck in Frisco. She tells me that Jude will be here next week, and I get excited to see the little dude. He gives the greatest hugs. Then I remember that I’m writing in a COVID journal I created because I CAN’T HUG PEOPLE OR GO TO COFFEE WITH PEOPLE OR TEACH CLASS WITH PEOPLE BECAUSE THIS STUPID FUCKING VIRUS IS CAREENING US INTO THE APOCALYPSE! And, in that regard, I’d be remiss not to bookmark the best way to survive the apocalypse as penned (or keyboarded) by comedic writer, MarkBrownPT.

I just agree to teach two more online classes at YAT. I was once on the Channel 4 OKC Marathon commercial. I laughed so much that a 15 minute shoot took almost an hour and a half. I was not asked back. Why in the name of all things holy would I say yes?

Reread today's entry to check for typos and noticed the vacillation between Adi as Pollyanna and Adi as every person who is shouting their negativity into the Facebook void. Checking myself, now. Must up the Pollyannaism immediately.

quarantined-ish day 6

quarantined-ish day 6

quarantined-ish day 4

quarantined-ish day 4