quarantined-ish day 34
Quarantined-ish Day 34
Monday, April 20, 2020 - OKC, OK
Still mentally remixing Good Morning and In Your Eyes. For the love of all things holy, why???
I catch up on the news via Trevor Noah and Seth Meyers. It’s always good to start the morning with laughter, even when the world is spinning off its axis. Especially when the world is spinning off its axis.
I send Contagion this topic generator I found and am immediately sidetracked by all the different blog posts I could write about toenails. This goes on for fifteen minutes before coffee saves me from myself. And the topic generator. And the news.
After a couple of hours firmly planted in my curriculum chaos, I go for a run. It’s beautiful out. Sunny, 68˚, minimal wind, and lots of fishermen along the lake. This is how Mondays are supposed to be.
I decided to try actual plain greek yogurt as I consider adding animal products back into my life. Before this spins anyone up, for the past two years, important vitamin and mineral levels have plummeted, even with supplements, and I feel like shit. I opt for plain greek yogurt, as it was my favorite non-vegan item in my pre-vegan days. I take two bites, gag like a six year old trying brussels sprouts, and toss it. For those of you who got spun up anyway, you’re welcome. Also, stop reading here.
I’ll try again later.
Another two hours of compiling course work and then I pull out some resistance bands that Wendy’s sixteen year old New Kid on The Block son reminded me about last week. Yoga is almost all pushing, and I’m losing all of my pulling muscles (thanks, COVID). At the gym, I walk a lap between sets. At home, I pulled out an ab wheel. My abs never get sore anymore, but I can’t just sit there because I’m me.
Suzanne interrupts a solid six hours of OYC work with the continuation of our meme war. This is one of the things that lightens up the world we’re living in. We have to laugh. I do, and then I dive into Scribe - a section of Medium that may be more suitable to what I write.