tales of grit & grace

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quarantined-ish day 6

Quarantined-Ish Day Six
Monday March 23, 2020 - OKC, OK

It’s a weird Monday, but Monday, nonetheless. And it’s weirder that I even note that, because in my profession, days of the week are mostly irrelevant. Anyway, it’s weird and Monday-like. I start by spilling the coffee beans I just ground in the sink because I walk too close to things. Also, I was taunting the neighborhood cat who wandered in. She laughed at me. Or she didn’t, because she’s a cat, but I’m sure she would if she could. “Karma, bitch,” she would say through her mocking sneers. I wrote and rewrote a blog entry for the next 90 minutes before choosing to table it. I close the laptop and go for more coffee. As much as I want my normal, wild routine back, I’m enjoying these slower moments. My brain is on overtime, and at least I have comfort in feeling productive with my thoughts.

COVID adjustment break is over. Work on OYC until workshop time. It feels good to be back.

I take an online workshop from one of my absolute favorites. She’s graceful and wise and I want to be like her when I yoga-grow up. Not really, but I definitely am inspired by her. She’s supposed to be here in June, but we’ll see what happens. I’m happy to learn from her any way I can, though. <— And that wasn’t even a forced Pollyannaism.

6 miles plus 5x10 on the stairs. Grateful to be able to move around outside. Super grateful we have things like Myriad Gardens and Scissortail Park to busy my eyes as I move. Not so grateful about the dog poop on the sidewalk I stepped in. Monday.

Awning! Not canopy. It’s an awning.

I open Spotify to make a playlist for tomorrow’s class and get sidetracked by the thought of the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. Quarantined-ish dance party playlist is now expanded. I can take a few moments to test it out, right?

I practice teaching to my phone for tomorrow morning’s class. It’s a shit show. What in the actual sideways fuck did I agree to do?!

I practice teaching to my phone for tomorrow morning’s class. It’s very nearly a shit show. Questioning my sanity.

I practice teaching to my phone for tomorrow morning’s class. It’s… something. I guess the old cliche in yoga is true: practice doesn’t make perfect. practice makes practice. I will be practicing until I chaturanga my shoulders off.

My neighbor is outside blaring the Star Wars original soundtrack while repairing his fence. I love this day. I’m not kidding. Also, 12 partial pull-ups, 1 ten second hold + ten second lowering, & 6 assisted full pull-ups. Hoping that yoga cliche doesn’t transfer to pull-ups. Practice needs to make perfect, here. Or at the very least, progress.

Resisted the urge to vomit as I told the world - or the social media world - that I’m teaching my first online class in the morning via Instagram Live. If I can not giggle, not say the word “fuck,” and not speak punctuation as though I’m voice texting, I’ll call it a success. Another positive to this ridiculous rampant virus: it’s making me do things I don’t want to do. Another positive: I am, in this moment, having text conversations with two different yogis about how proud we are of our community for coming together to make this work for our students. This is a very shaky time to be a wellness professional/educator. I wouldn’t change it.