tales of grit & grace

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quarantined-ish day 4

Quarantined-ish Day Four
Saturday March 21, 2020 - OKC, OK


Still no.

I lie in the dark hoping that it’ll be sunny today and then wonder if that even matters. Do the CDC guidelines allow for social isolation to occur outside, still? Perhaps in the woods, on a trail, putting one foot in front of the other? I need either a run or a new playlist. Billy Joel stays, though.

My friend and I spend 15 minutes sharing COVID memes too inappropriate to post on social media. It becomes a sort of game. She definitely wins it.

Spent 8 minutes untangling my lamp/phone charger/laptop charger/fan cords. This inspired me to untangle the three necklaces I put on to keep them untangled after previously untangling them individually (did you follow that? me either) - an inspiration that fizzles in less than 90 seconds... all of which reaffirms my belief that I’m hyper organized when it comes to others, and hyper-doesn’t-give-a-shit when it only affects me.

HIIT yoga from Alo Moves. I’m grateful I forgot to cancel my subscription the past two months. I followed this up with twelve partial pull-ups because my planner tells me to.

I read a book. Start to finish. A memoir that has been on my nightstand for a few months: Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle. Raw. Honest. Brave. Overall theme: the most important thing in love is forgiveness, whether with yourself or someone else. Someone literally just said this to me for the first time a mere three days ago. I can’t help but wonder if timing has always been this noticeable, or if I’m just starting to notice it as I widen my lens to the world.

A rainy run that I’m totally overdressed for. I don’t care. It’s just nice to not be surrounded by walls.

Added more songs from the 80s to my playlist. Also, shamelessly admitted that I listened to We Are the World to Amber during a lengthy text conversation. She took it like a champ and one-upped me with a movie I’d never heard of.

I hereby name March 21st Glennon Doyle Day. Not really. I just like this morning’s book so much that I purchased her latest (Untamed, for the record). On kindle, though, because, you know... social distancing. Fingers crossed I remember how to get into my kindle app.

Logged into the kindle app. Remembered why I don’t like reading on my phone. Discovered a kindle cloud on my laptop. I don’t love reading on my laptop either, but at least I’m not turning a page every nanosecond.