
Hi there!

I’m Adi - an accidental yogi, trail runner, and lover of words.

why i run

why i run

It’s been a while, friends. The past two months have been a wild ride, but I think the roller coaster is nearing the end of its tracks - for this loop, at least... June marks so many things, but most notably, or maybe up-there-with-super-notably-things notably, it marks a month of new opportunities. A “get shit done” month, if you will, and it starts with a long overdue blog post.

Today, it turns out, is Global Running Day. Somehow I miss this every year, despite how so much of my world revolves around putting one foot in front of the other, but this year I’m celebrating. I’m celebrating with a run, but I’m also celebrating with a “why.” A couple of months ago, I shared this essay I wrote about how I got into running (and how I almost broke up with it). It was an easy, lighthearted piece peppered with humor and a hint of vulnerability. “How?” is the easy question. “Why?” is the scary one, though. I’m finally ready for the why.

Most people know that I moved to Oklahoma to save the dolphins (and if you don’t, believe me I note the irony in that statement, and it’s a story for a different day). What most don’t know, however, is that I also moved here to escape a toxic relationship. I was numb when I loaded my car in the middle of the night and drove north without any solid plan. I clung to that numbness because it was easier than the shame and fear and turmoil that filled me up. I held on so tightly that it became my new normal. Honestly, that numbness saved me, though. It kept me upright and able for a period of time too embarrassingly long to admit to. It worked for me right up until it didn’t. I needed to be me again, and under the guise of exercise, I started to run.

I run to feel something.
I run to find clarity amongst the confusion.
I run to be okay with the gray areas that persist.
I run to find rhythm.
I run to accept an off beat.
I run because it’s a struggle and I look for my strong.
I run to disconnect, yet I run to feel connected.
I run to see the world around me better.
I run to see myself better.
I run to find grace.
I run for the grit.
I run to fall down and get dirty, and I run because it reminds me that I can get back up and keep going, no matter how bruised my ego is or how bloody my knees are.
I run because my legs allow it and I don’t want to waste my body.
I run because my heart craves it and I want to keep filling it up.
I run to discover my weaknesses, and I run to build strength.
I run because it gives me permission to be stubborn as fuck.
I run because it reminds me that balance isn’t optional.
I run because I have a tribe and mountains and adventure.
I run for the exploration.
I run to find solace in routine.
I run to find inspiration.
I run to be kind to myself and I run to be kind to others.
I run because I want to.
I run because I have to.
I run because I fear what happens if I don’t.

To anyone out there who has run a few steps with me, thank you for being on this journey with me, even if only for a few moments. Happiest of National Running Days to you. I hope you were able to put one foot in front of the other, smiled a lot, and toasted this day and your able body with the most delicious of beers. Slåint!

perfect one bowl vegan banana bread

perfect one bowl vegan banana bread

in life and in yoga: i will definitely be back

in life and in yoga: i will definitely be back