All tagged running

cat videos and covid

Across the street, I could see this little, elderly black man with one hand in his pocket (cue Alanis Morrisette, here) and holding both a cigarette and his phone in the other, while wearing a very nearly toothless grin.

why i run

“It’s been a while, friends. The past two months have been a wild ride, but I think the roller coaster is nearing the end of its tracks - for this loop, at least...”

i broke up with running

“I vividly remember the first time I ran three miles. It was summer 2002, and my roommate/colleague/fellow Harry Potter lover and I had been trotting about the neighborhood for a couple of months in the name…”

the reminder of a reminder

“There are a tiny handful of certain people in my life from whom I never delete text messages. These are the people that I have wickedly spectacular written conversations with, and the words develop organically…”