
Hi there!

I’m Adi - an accidental yogi, trail runner, and lover of words.

trader joe's everything but the bagel seasoning oil-free hummus + a 25 year old sundress

trader joe's everything but the bagel seasoning oil-free hummus + a 25 year old sundress

I have this old green sundress that my college roommate gave me after she grew bored of it. It was just little too big and a lot too long, so I safety pinned the straps together so I could wear it without getting an indecent exposure ticket and then hemmed it with some iron-on stitch witchery to keep it from dragging the ground. I loved that thing and wore it all over Europe a few months later. It was 1998 and already four years out of style, but that’s how I roll, it seems. In fact, 21 years later - two and a half decades out of style - that dress is still hanging in my closet waiting for warmer weather, because again, that’s how I roll. Unapologetically cobbled together in something familiar and blissfully ignorant of current trends, which is why I surprised myself by hopping on the Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Seasoning bandwagon. Granted, I’m two years late, so I’m still very much me, but a more fashionable version of the old me - at least culinarily.

I’ve seen people use this stuff on avocado toast, quinoa dishes, and to make an everything bagel taste even more everything bagel-like, but I wanted to do something more basic. More familiar. More no-longer-fashionable-but-still-beloved-old-green-sundress, if you will. To me, there is nothing more basic and familiar than smooth, tangy hummus. I almost feel like I’m cheating by posting this, as it’s nothing more than a simple oil-free hummus recipe with a bit of the Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Seasoning added, but alas, I’m doing it anyway, because I’d definitely be cheating you if I didn’t.

trader joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning oil-free hummus
makes approximately 2 cups

1 1/2 cups of cooked chickpeas (or 1 no-salt added can)
2 cloves garlic
1/3 cup tahini
3 Tbs fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup aquafaba (liquid from the cooked or canned chickpeas)
4 tsp trader joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning
1/2 tsp sea salt (or less, if using salted chickpeas)

1) Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Taste, and adjust for seasoning.

trader joes everything but the bagel seasoning oil free hummus

a few ingredients

keep to the simple

2) There is no step two! Just enjoy it!

everything but the bagel seasoning oil free hummus

everything but the bagel seasoning oil free hummus

the fancied up old green sundress of hummus, if you will

notes: If you want wicked smooth hummus, peel the chickpeas before using. I use my mini kitchen-aid food processor because it blends faster in the smaller vessel, but a standard processor will work just as well with a little more blending time.

trader joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning oil-free hummus
makes approximately 2 cups

1 1/2 cups of cooked chickpeas (or 1 no-salt added can)
2 cloves garlic
1/3 cup tahini
3 Tbs fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup aquafaba (liquid from the cooked or canned chickpeas)
4 tsp trader joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning
1/2 tsp sea salt (or less, if using salted chickpeas)

1) Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Taste, and adjust for seasoning.
2) There is no step two! Just enjoy it!

notes: If you want wicked smooth hummus, peel the chickpeas before using. I use my mini kitchen-aid food processor because it blends faster in the smaller vessel, but a standard processor will work just as well with a little more blending time.

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