the headless brakeman

I adored that song like I adored my friend, and he knew it. Maybe it was her voice. Maybe it was the word katydid. Maybe it was a million other things, but that moment is forever etched into my memory.

revolution is not a one-time event

They say that the first step to correcting a problem is to acknowledge that there is one. This makes the issue of correcting racism spectacularly difficult, because, as I mentioned, racists often don’t like to use that descriptor.

everyday heroes

How heroic it is to stay both interested and humble. How heroic it is to lean into the wonder of life, messy as it is sometimes, and embrace the humility of it all.

cat videos and covid

Across the street, I could see this little, elderly black man with one hand in his pocket (cue Alanis Morrisette, here) and holding both a cigarette and his phone in the other, while wearing a very nearly toothless grin.

with love always

Also, I’ve been on a letter writing kick since trying out an exercise last weekend (see footnote below), and am looking for any reason to put pen (and crayon - again, see below) to paper. So, to all the beautiful rockstar warrior women in my life, this one is for you.

an atypical heart

Anyway, I watched my own heart beat today. Mesmerized by its near-metronomic quality, I lay there for several moments before the tech broke the rhythm with


There are a few things in life that unfailingly make me smile: dad jokes, certain cheesy 80s songs, and when I can walk out the door - or unzip the tent, if you will - and be standing smack dab in the middle of something beautiful,