
Hi there!

I’m Adi - an accidental yogi, trail runner, and lover of words.

with love always

with love always

“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” ~Margaret Fuller

All weekend, now, I’ve been hearing that it’s International Women’s Day. Honestly, having been one (or growing into one, at least) for the past 44 years, I didn’t even know that was a thing. Everyday is International Something Day, so I’ve been a bit desensitized to the various nouns we are supposed to recognize. And, I’m not really an “I am woman, hear me roar” type of gal, so this one, especially, would’ve slid by without a glance if it hadn’t kept popping up and interrupting my utter lack of awareness about it. So, when I was finally tagged in a post, this morning, by a friend who is always on top of EVERYTHING, I decided that it’s not a terrible idea to pay attention. Also, I’ve been on a letter writing kick since trying out an exercise last weekend (see footnote below), and am looking for any reason to put pen (and crayon - again, see below) to paper. So, to all the beautiful rockstar warrior women in my life, this one is for you:

Dear beautiful badasses,

Thank you for being so persistent in your kindness, and thank you for accepting mine in return. Thank you for forming bonds with me, and thank you for continuing to grow and strengthen them with authenticity and purpose. Thank you for letting me live out loud with you, and thank you for not just wholly accepting me, despite my quirks, but for encouraging me to be wholly me. And more than that, thank you for being wholly you. Thank you for being a part of the stories I tell and for being the most incredible source of inspiration for them. Thank you for being so wise and selflessly sharing that wisdom, even if ever so subtly sometimes, and thank you for trusting me to share mine. Thank you for making me laugh so hard I can’t see through the tears, and, for the love of all that is holy, thank you for putting up with my dad jokes. Thank you for showing me that emotions are a gift, and that whether it’s pure joy or suffocating sadness, there is beauty in all of them. Thank you for your collaboration, for your conversation, for your hugs. And thank you for your patience with my gibberish texts. We all know that if you’re in my contacts, you’ve got no use for Damn You Autocorrect. Thank you for being passionate and determined and wicked fucking strong, because it takes passionate and determined and wicked fucking strong women to keep us all moving forward. So, though I’m writing this letter today, on International Women’s Day, know that I celebrate you always - a you that is full of grit and grace and is cherished beyond measure.

with love always,


footnote: In the exercise given to me by another writer, you write a letter normally with pen and paper, and then you write it again in crayon using your non-dominant hand. I honestly can’t recall what the purpose was, but it was incredibly eye-opening and much more fun than it sounds. I’ll update the purpose if I remember to ask.

Edited to update: the purpose of the non-dominant crayon writing is to access your inner child. And it works.

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an atypical heart

an atypical heart