
Hi there!

I’m Adi - an accidental yogi, trail runner, and lover of words.

quarantined-ish day 11

quarantined-ish day 11

Quarantined-Ish Day Eleven
Saturday March 28, 2020 - OKC, OK

Of course I’m actually sleeping when my alarm goes off this time. Six minutes to throw on clothes, brush my teeth, and get out the door.

First four miles out my front door. Ran up and down my street four times. It was perfect out until it wasn’t. Heavy rain, lightning, hail came halfway through and ended right as my run did. The irony is perfectly in keeping with the rest of this year.

Stripped wet clothes to throw in the dryer and a coffee reward.

Next four miles ended up being seven on the new-to-me St Crispin trails. I’m in love. I just wish I could move them closer, so it wouldn’t be a three hour round trip to get there.

Next four miles through Scissortail Park (because I’m clearly obsessed) and Myriad Gardens.

Whole Foods to restock my produce supply and then the first of many showers over the next two days.

Next four miles out of my house and along the lake. Windy AS FUCK, and I already miss the dirt, but the sky is bright blue and the sun is doing its thing.

Watched Collateral on Contagion’s recommendation. Lots of oozing brains. Entertaining, but turned on a few minutes of When Harry Met Sally to reset my mind’s eye.

Next four miles on bluff creek trails by headlamp. I LOVE TRAILS AT NIGHT.

Explained this 4x48 challenge to Contagion. Questioned my sanity, yet again.

Second of many showers this weekend. Really want coffee. Might make coffee.

Made coffee.

quarantined-ish day 12

quarantined-ish day 12

quarantined-ish day 10

quarantined-ish day 10