tales of grit & grace

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quarantined-ish day 3

Quarantined-ish Day 3
Friday March 20, 2020 - OKC, OK

Woke up on my side with my arms wrapped around myself. Clearly, I miss hugging people. I love touch, and suddenly realize that this may be my biggest struggle in the coming weeks. Also, I had a dream that I could turn one of my teeth 360 degrees in its socket (socket?) both directions. I wish I knew definitively if dreams meant something. Or maybe I don’t. The symbolism of this one may be best left undiscovered.
p.s. Did I just sleep for five hours in a row?!

I’m making coffee and realizing that this morning’s timing feels normal. On Fridays (it is Friday, right?), I don’t have to leave my house by 4:40. I get to walk around in my PJs and fuzzy robe for a couple of hours. I get to slowly sip coffee without fear of splashing it all over me and my car. I get to pick up a pen or a book in silence - not turn on a playlist and start talking. These are zen moments, folks.

I misfire a text inviting a studio owner to take one of her own online classes with me. Perhaps another cup of coffee is in order, but I think I’ll try to Mr Clean Magic Eraser the coffee stain off of my bare mattress while waiting for the class to start instead. Look at me making wise decisions!

Mr Clean Magic Erasers don’t work on mattresses.

Interval Yoga on Zoom to support one of my favorites. There’s something a little fun about being able to work out in your undies. I’m a drippy, sweaty mess, and I didn’t even have to leave my bedroom. Hmmm.

I do my Duolingo lesson early, and realize that I’m on day 188. That means that if this is a fourteen day quarantine, then the end will coincide with my 200th day of daily French lessons. I’ve also realized that with this quarantine, I now have time to practice more than five minutes a day and am making plans to move to France. Wine glass half full.

I walk into the garage and spot the pull-up bar that I don’t recall acquiring forever ago in the corner. I hang it and quickly remember that I can’t actually do a full pull-up. Must practice pull-ups daily. I’ll add that to my planner so it doesn’t feel useless during this lockdown. The planner, that is. The pull-up bar is all too familiar with feeling useless.

Instead of another online class, I opt for a two hour dance party to yesterday’s playlist, stopping only twice to answer text messages. It’s become abundantly clear that I’m the six year old whose parent runs ragged in hopes of wearing her out. Well, let me tell you... that’s a failed strategy. The best we can all hope for is that at some point, the circles I’m running get smaller, I start to make a low humming noise, and then just shut down like my batteries died. Until then, there’s hip hop and Billy Joel.

I take an impromptu Instagram live yoga class from a friend I’ve never met. She’s a fairly new yoga teacher with a wide smile that you can even see in her eyes. It was chill, minus the intermittent race cars in the background, and I’m so proud of her that it’s worth noting here.

I’ve literally washed every cloth thing I own (clothes, bedding, towels, kitchen towels, reusable napkins) just for fun - or just to fill time - and have just folded the last of it. I actually do have work to do for OYC, but apparently laundry is more interesting. When did laundry become interesting? Also, could I say “just” more?

I’m probably a little too excited to be tasked with finding some artwork for, apparently, an artist, who is also making use of all this free time. There is only so much laundry, dancing, and indoor yoga-ing a girl can do, so I’m shameless with my emphatic yes, and I screenshot no less than eighty images for him. Or just nine. He’s stopped responding, so either his phone actually imploded, he moved on, or one of them got the cyber thumbs up. We’ll see what happens.