tales of grit & grace

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quarantined-ish day 7

Quarantined-Ish Day Seven
Tuesday March 24, 2020 - OKC, OK

Been lying here for an hour thinking about teaching to a camera, which happens in just less than four hours. What I need is copious amounts of coffee to kill this anxiety. And yes, I know what I just said.

Made copious amounts of coffee. Also worked so long that I almost made myself late to leave for the online class I don’t want to teach.

Just taught my very first online class. Live. No edits. I didn’t curse (that I remember), and I found a rhythm pretty quickly. It also helped that Mark and Kathryn take my class regularly and they came to be students. Required distance maintained. No touching. Overall, not a bad experience.

HIIT workout that Wendy gave me at the lake. 50 burpees (modified because nobody can do 50 burpees with good form - except maybe David Goggins. maybe), 400 meter sprint, 100 push-ups, 400 meter spring, 150 walking lunges, 400 meter sprint, 200 squats, 400 meter sprint, 150 walking lunges, 400 meter sprint, 100 push-ups, 400 meter sprint, 50 burpees (modified because yada yada yada), 400 meter sprint. Felt pretty good.

Worked from home. On my bed. It feels like I’m cheating. I think I will single-handedly make up for the coffee shops’ lost business once this social distancing is over.

Met Elena at Bluff for a mudfest. Three and a half miles in, we stumbled on a morel and abandoned the not-quite-run for foraging. Actually, we abandoned Bluff for the Morel Madness spot I found at Arcadia last year.

Turned my shower red with dirt. Also, sitting hurts already after the four thousand walking lunges and squats and sprints this morning. It no longer feels pretty good.

Just learned that Kenny Rogers died four days ago from a meme. He didn’t die from a meme. I learned it from a meme. He was a fossil, but a good one. He deserved to die not in the midst of a global pandemic, so people could learn about his death properly - from one billion people trying to be the first to share it on Facebook - not a damn meme.