tales of grit & grace

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quarantined-ish day 15

Quarantined-Ish Day Fifteen
Wednesday April 1, 2020 - OKC, OK

Day two of baking for Elena at Elemental. I love being here alone, baking and sipping coffee in the early, early morning. It’s meditative and flowy and creative. Can I do this always?

Taught my third IG live class to just my phone. 54 students connected via cyberspace. I’m in love.

A social distancing jaunt through Scissortail and Myriad with Suzanne. I had to look away from the woman letting her kid ignore the tape and play on the playground, anyway. I’m frustrated with her. The Irish in me isn’t uncovered often, but it’s undeniably there. I’m human.

Sat at Scissortail creating a continuing ed course outline. Each day, this week, it’s becoming more clear that I needed that weekend challenge to reset my focus. It’s also becoming more clear that gyms aren’t opening this month, so outdoor HIIT workouts for strength it is.

Birthday Zoom yoga with Scott! His, not mine. I love that he had some many hop online to celebrate with him. I love seeing people make the most of what we have right now. I love seeing people smile, even if it’s through a screen. I love that I have the opportunity to love little, big things.

I can feel myself settling in. These entries are getting shorter because my mind is less zippy. These entries are becoming less sarcastic, because that coping mechanism is less needed. These entries are growing more Pollyanna-ish because this is stripping me back down to me.