tales of grit & grace

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quarantinedish: a series

Earlier this year, something tiny swept the globe causing a rippled shutdown. Between the moment it teased OKC with its presence and the moment our city realized it wasn’t kidding, I started a daily private blog on my experience with Covid 19. The idea of quarantine was moving from hypothetical to actual, earning the series the name “Quarantined-ish.”

Acknowledging the spectrum of emotions, the spectrum of reactions is my first step in processing something foreign. Recording them is the second. Nothing represents my unfiltered internal dialogue more than this record of honest thoughts. It’s salty and sarcastic at times, while still peppered with sweetness and the occasional epiphanic moment. We have to have the sweetness, and those epiphanic moments? Those are the ones that fostered hope. Those are the ones that will continue to do so.

It was an impromptu six week project that began six months ago, and, while I would never have wished for a pandemic, this project was such a gift. It gave my writing purpose and removed the fear-based tendency to censor my words. Everything in this series is unedited and intact. Nothing has been removed in the name of protection, and that is something I have never done before.

It’s been a treat to spend some time with those early entries, reliving the days when we all thought this would soon be a distant memory. It’s been insightful to watch the gradual shift into realizing the gravity of the situation, and watching myself and my peers, colleagues, and chosen family learn how to normalize an unfamiliar world. It’s been so sweet to reflect on the innovative ways we’ve maintained connection, the new relationships we’ve forged, and the surge in creativity amongst those in my world. From this crisis has come artists, athletes, storytellers, cooks, gardeners, and comedians, and I cherish them all.

I recognize the absolute horrific bullshit that has come from this virus, and I will continue to acknowledge it because it’s important, but I choose to pour my energy into the good. Authenticity and optimism can coexist, and that’s the uncensored heart of this series.

Stay kind and stay well.

With love always,

p.s. This one is so special that it gets its own corner of my website. Posts are released daily, and you can read them here.