
Hi there!

I’m Adi - an accidental yogi, trail runner, and lover of words.

i've had this coin for a while

i've had this coin for a while

I got it back in June 2017 at the Leadville Marathon, and when I won it, I was given the option to enter the 2017 race, which was two months later, and incidentally, two months before I was supposed to run the Moab 240, or the 2018 race. For once in my running life, I decided to be smart and wait. Actually, that’s not even entirely true. A large driving force for holding onto the coin another year was that I’d always said that I would run all of the Leadville races the year that I ran the 100, and two of my closest friends were getting married the day of Silver Rush (Leadville’s 50 miler). Thank you, Wendy and JP, for forcing intelligent decisions on me. Fast forward a blown out knee and a management position that, at the time, wasn’t conducive to training like I needed, much less the time off for required travel, and I not only missed the Moab 240 twice, but had to defer my 2018 Leadville 100 entry to 2019.

I had tears in my eyes when I hit the ‘send’ button on my deferral request email because I’m a child, and then I began anxiously awaiting January like a kid waiting for Santa. Again… a child. And now, here I sit, sipping on wine (hey look! adulting!) and finalizing my training schedule because tomorrow I get to take a few more steps toward that finish line.

I created this little corner of my website to record my journey for myriad reasons. First, the human side of me always thinks I’ll remember the little things, and that same side of me rarely does. I want those little things within reach of my mind’s eye, because it’s always the little things that matter most. Secondly, I really want to maintain a sense of awareness through training, rather than just checking my mileage off a calendar. Writing is the best way I know how, because it is through words that I really see myself. And I know I could just keep a training log, but putting it “out there” also creates a sense of accountability. Not only that, but I’ve dug for training information that is specific to Leadville, and there isn’t much that exists. What I’ve found is excellent, but there should be definitely be more. In the grand scheme of things, I’ve not contributed much to the ultramarathon world, so I can gift a few ramblings along the way. You’re welcome. (insert winky emoji here)

As far as training specifics goes, I’ve finally specified some cross training, strength training, and recovery within the program. I mean, I always say that I’ll do those things, but I never write them out which means I’m never consistent with them. They say that the more specific you are in outlining your intentions, the more likely you are to fulfill them. Thank you “they,” and I hope you’re right!

week of Dec 31 - Jan 6
7 miles (hills)
5 miles
7 miles
12 miles
6 miles
weekly mileage: 37
cross training
yoga class x2
physical therapy/strength x2
30 minutes stairs x1
spin class x1
20 minutes weight vest hike x1
minimum recovery
foam roll on run days
epsom or hot tub soak on long run and hill days

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