tales of grit & grace

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quarantined-ish day 20

Quarantined-ish Day 20
Monday, April 6, 2020 - OKC, OK

Woke up wondering about the brain in my phone. Whose is it, and if it was from 1992, why has it been with me since February 2019? I need coffee.

Wendy and I meet for a social distancing workout at Bluff. We wear weight vests and do 1000 step-ups onto the picnic table benches with two burpees every minute. I don’t know if it’s hard because I just spent the last six hours sitting at my laptop, because it’s humid as fuck, or because we did 1000 step-ups onto the picnic table benches, wearing weight vests, and doing two burpees every minute. It took 50 minutes and 28 seconds. It could’ve easily taken 51, but I was disinterested in doing any more burpees. Cool down: a lap on the trails while planning the next one. Also, the brain belongs to Blake’s nurse.

Business meeting with Tiffany (at Bluff) that turns into a three and a half hour session of shop talk, geeking out on yoga, life, COVID, conspiracy theories (her, definitely not me), economy, love, family, insurance, and anything else we could think of that would allow us to enjoy the weather.

Re-picked up Untamed. How is she so good? And how did I question that the first time I read some of her work?