tales of grit & grace

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quarantined-ish day 27

Quarantined-ish Day 27
Monday, April 13, 2020 - OKC, OK

Contagion interrupts today’s journal prompt just as I was struggling for the story. I really love accidentally perfect timing. He’s created a Medium account to start publishing. Wanting to support this, I reactivate my account for the twenty-seventh time and am immediately sidetracked, spending more time than I have reading other people’s stories. Don’t they make medicine for this sort of thing?

I’ve now spent more time than I have rereading Secrets in the name of supporting another writer, doing laundry, searching for a sock, more dance party, more handstanding, more searching for this sock, practicing french, more searching for this flipping sock (why is it always a sock?!).

Made a trip to Body Mind for a check that I should have picked up a month ago. One of the other teachers was there about to film and another walked in right behind me. It was hard to not hug them. It was hard to not spend the rest of time standing there talking to them. I miss my yoga people fiercely.

Walk Wendy’s dogs with her. Or, more accurately, we get pulled along by the maniacs and spend three miles disentangling ourselves from their leashes. We return them after an hour and go back out for another five in peace. I will never understand why people put living room couches on their front porch. “Hey, can I get you a drink? We can sit in the living room and catch up. Where is it? Oh, I moved it to my front porch.” I mean, what?!

Clear out my phone notifications and come across a picture from a class I taught two years ago today. We were almost mat to mat, and I’d themed it on community. The caption: “Life is always better when you have a little support from your people.” They were in vira 3 holding each other up. What a time for that to present itself. Again, I miss my yoga people fiercely.

Found that f%^#ing sock.

Disinterested in cooking, I heated a can of Amy’s soup from my camping supply. Reminder: canned soup really needs the backdrop of a campfire.